The Diary of Melissa Brame

Me, Raymond(my love), My friends, College, and Life!

Thursday, April 19, 2007


Sunday was awful!!!! It started off with Claudia and me running out the door cause we were gonna be late for work. Well we got there at 7:00 on the dot! and well we ran inside to clock in. The day went by slow as usual and when I went outside to get my wallet it was gone. Not only was my wallet gone my phone was gone to my i870! it is looking up though, now I am just pissed cause my Harry Potter book voucher was in my wallet!!!!!


Saturday, June 24, 2006

No Whining

Today is Julian's Birthday party and I am not going because Sheryl didn't bother to call me. I have already made plans for today. She needs to learn to call people!! And she better not whine that I am not there because she can't expect me to know about things if she doesn't call me! I don't call her anymore because she doesn't return my calls and I am not going to try and chase after her. Another things is she bitches about Chris constantly when I am over there and I don't want to here about Chris and his bullshit! I am giving up my Best friend is in Alabama and that is the end!

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Road Trip Check List

Months Ahead
~Plan your trip
~Start looking for special deals and other discounts for which you may qualify.
~Do some research on the area you will be visiting and on the way you will be getting there.
~Take care of all medical and dental appointments before going.
Three Weeks Ahead
~Watch the weather, so you’ll know what to expect and can pack accordingly.
~Check your ATM and debit card for both daily and total limits.
~Check cameras, purchase new batteries if necessary, and film.
~Start breaking in the shoes you’ll be taking with you on your trip.
Two Weeks Ahead
~Reconfirm all your reservations.
~Check your insurance for expiration dates and coverage for your automobile, home and the valuables that you’ll take with you, as well as those you’ll leave at home.
~If traveling by car, get the car checked and have the oil changed. Don’t wait until the last minute, it may take time to get an appointment and parts may need to be ordered. You also want some time to drive around town and make sure that whatever they fixed stays fixed.
One Week Ahead
~Get out the suitcase and start your packing.
~Check prescriptions for necessary refills; bring a list with the drug’s generic name listed since the brand names available can differ in other areas.
One Day Before
~Fill the car with gas before you pack the car. Check the fluid levels and tire pressure, since your tire pressure will effect the ride and gas mileage you get on your trip.
Road Trip Tips
~Bring along plenty of water and munchies in the car. It will be much cheaper to buy these at the grocery store than pay the convenience store prices. It might also save you some extra stops.
~Sticking to water will be much easier on your body than drinking lots of cola. Remember to avoid large amounts of caffeine. Caffeine can wear on your nerves. If the driver needs large amounts of caffeine to stay awake then it’s time to pull over for the night.
~Have the adults keep control of the munchies so mealtimes aren’t ruined. You don’t want to get yourself sick with all the junk food along the roadside, so you might want to consider eating a healthy meal or at least bring some healthy snacks.
~If it has ever made them sick at home, there seems to be a guarantee that it will make them sick on the road.

Teeth, Jobs, & Sheryl

Plans changed for my wisdom teeth I am getting them cut out on the 20th not the 5th. So after that I went to Micheal's (My Work) and told them the days I must have off. Like they really care! I have no days to work this week. They didn't even schedule me for one day! I hate it so I went to Dillards and filled out an application. The lady said the hiring manager should call me today or tomorrow. What the bad thing is . . . is that Sheryl just got fired from Dillards and the entire time she was there she tried to get me to work there. I didn't have the heart to tell her that I would not work with her. Sheryl and I have way to many differences and we have grown apart. All she ever does is bitch about Chris and she never talks about anything else. I think she gets angry at me because I am in college and she is not. But like I have always said, "I am not the one with the baby!" But oh well I am gonna go I will write more later . . .♥
Oh yeah I Love you Steph!!!

Well it is later and I got the Job at Dillards and I will be getting paid $8 an hour I am excited!!! But the thing is they gave me Sheryl's job . . . Oh well not my fault! And if she gets mad . . . oh well again!

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Another Day in Paradise

Today has been rather boring. . . I found out what my grades were for Summer A, Mom is in Chicago, and I had nothing to do today! My grades were not exactly what I expected. I was lazy this summer and I did not really work as hard as we all know I can and should have. Well I did have a great Algebra professor. He was so cool about my exit exam. When I turned it in he graded it and had me stay after to talk to him. He told me that I missed 15 answers and for me to pas I only could miss 12. Well I am excited to say that he and I went though it together and he gave me a new scantron sheet and told me to change some of the answers that I made silly mistakes on. He was so cool about it. Gulf Coast Online does not say what I made in Algebra but Professor Harvey told me that day that I would be going on to Intermediate Algebra. It does say what I made in World Religion though. I made a C in the class and I deserved that grade. I didn’t work hard enough and I deserved what I got for it. But at least I past!!!! Mom is in Chicago so I am always lonely when I am at home. Dad and I don’t talk to each other so you can imagine how great living at my house is! I came home today and I took a very long nap and now I am still tired. How does that work? Well I am going to get up at 9 am tomorrow and I am going to the oral surgeon to talk about my wisdom teeth with Dr. Walters. I should be getting those cut out on July 5th! My jaw hurts really bad! I have a window in my gum were my bottom left 3rd molar (Wisdom tooth) is coming though. So I will tell you all about that tomorrow.

Monday, June 19, 2006

Long Talk

Last night was strange. Bo called me and we were on the phone for hours. We were talking about our relationship. I told him that I was tired of trying to prove myself to him and we were going no where. Well he was telling me that he was sorry for breaking the engagement and that he just didn't want that kind of commitment right now. Then I asked him then why did he even ask when he knew that I would get excited and I would start planning a wedding. I was planning it for this September but he changed his mind last year. And now instead of me getting married it is my sister getting married. He says he can't live without me but he also says that I drive him crazy! I don't know what to do!! I am so Confused!

Salem Trip

I have decided to take a trip to Salem Massachusettes! It won't be until next year but That is a good time because I will be able to save up the money.
I am going with my friend Stephanie! She and I have been friends since 11th grade but it wasn't until 12th grade we became like Best Friends. She is a great person and I am so happy she wants to go I was going to go with Teresa, my sister and Dani onw of our friends but if I were to do that I would be counting on them to saving their money and not go to the club . . .Yeah Right! That won't happen!

Saturday, June 10, 2006

My Religion

I am not a Christian. Many of the people I live with or are close to when I tell them this will want to pour a bucket of Holy water over my head. I believe in reincarnation and Christians do not believe in that! I believe that there is a Goddess and a God. There is no one I pray besides the Lord and Lady (no my belief has no jesus like person). there are priests and priestesses but the are teachers no one to be prayed to. I live as one with nature as everyone should. I am a witch in progress.